OnLine Parish Clerks
for the County of
-- Lancashire --

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact the group?

On each page on the LOPC website, there is an E-mail link - look for the quill pen symbol at the bottom of the list on left of the page. Click on that, and it will enable you to send an e-mail to the person who looks after that page. If necessary, they will pass your message to the appropriate person. If the link doesn't work, send an e-mail to:

This is an address which can be used for any enquiries. However, before you contact us, please note:
- we are not connected with the churches themselves, so you will need to contact them directly regarding any church matters
- we are all volunteers, and it may take some time for us to reply
- although we will gladly help where we can, our volunteers cannot undertake detailed research.

I wish to notify you of a possible error or correction. How should I do so?

Use the E-mail link on the left of the page where the error appears, giving full details of the record in question. Ideally, please copy and paste the entry into your e-mail. Please note that we cannot change a transcription if the error is in the original source document which has been correctly transcribed by us. However, we may, at our discretion, add a note to it.

What is your policy on Data Privacy? Have you had to withdraw any records because of the GDPR legislation?

Our Data Privacy Policy can be viewed here, and has been updated to reflect the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws. We have not had to withdraw records because of GDPR, but we have made it clearer how decisions are made.

Is LOPC affiliated to any other churches or organisations?

No. LOPC is completely independent of any other organisation and is staffed wholly by unpaid volunteers who transcribe, photograph, check, coordinate/manage, and develop and maintain the systems. The only costs incurred are those external costs associated with running the website, and those are met from donations. It is a principle of the group that work done by our volunteers is not for sale but is made freely available to all for personal and private use.

  ©Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerks