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The Church of St James, Briercliffe
in the County of
-- Lancashire --

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The Church of St James, Briercliffe
The Church of St James, Briercliffe

In 1834, a Mission Church of St Peter Burnley was started using the Church School at Lanehead.

In 1840, the building of the Church began in early Victoria Gothic style and was consecrated on 26 September 1841 by the Bishop of Chester as a district Chapelry of Burnley St Peter.

In November 1842, it was created a District Chapel in the Whalley Parish separate of the Burnley Church and by 1865 it became a Parish in its own right, separate from Whalley.

For more information visit the church website.

The Interior of St James, Briercliffe
The Interior of St James, Briercliffe
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